The Steering Committee
Our Steering Committee

Lena Palaniyappan
McGill University (Canada)
Lena is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist interested in the phenomenology, mechanisms and the treatment of language dysfunction in psychosis

Eric Tan
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Eric is a cognitive neuroscience researcher with a keen interest in the features, mechanisms, and functional impact of speech disturbances in psychosis

Gina Kuperberg
Tufts University (USA)
Gina is a cognitive neuroscientist and psychiatrist with a longstanding interest in the neural, cognitive and computational mechanisms underlying language processing in psychosis

Iris Sommer
University Medical Center Groningen (Netherlands)
Iris is a psychiatrist and director of the Research Institute Brain and Cognition. She specializes in biomarkers to improve treatment for people with schizophrenia

Emre Bora
Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey)
Emre is a psychiatrist and cognitive neuroscience researcher interested in the phenomenology, and neural & neurocognitive mechanisms of thought, language and communication disturbances in psychosis and neuropsychiatric disorders

Maria Francisca Alonso
Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile)
Maria Francisca is a speech and language pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with interest in the neurobiology of language and cognitive rehabilitation in psychosis

Natalia Mota
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)

Wolfram Hinzen
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
Wolfram is a researcher in language sciences investigating language (dys-) function across mental disorders. He is Director of the Grammar & Cognition lab, www.graclab.com

Sunny Tang
Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research (USA)
Sunny Tang is a psychiatrist using automated speech and language analysis to generate biomarkers for psychiatric disorders.