July 2023 Newsletter | Issue #2By Paulina Dzialoszynski, Sabrina D. Ford and María F. Alonso |
Hello! Please see below the exciting news coming from Discourse in Psychosis collaborators across the globe. |
A note from Montreal!
We had a very successful one day Discourse satellite meeting in Toronto, Canada on May 11th, 2023, with over 40 members from various study sites in attendance. Since then, there is a lot happening in the consortium. The Indian chapter of Discourse, led by Drs. Venkatsubramanian, Sreeraj & Suhas at NIMHANS, Bengaluru, organised an investigator's meeting on 11th July. They brought together 9 sites across India who are gearing up for data collection. I was lucky to attend this in person. It was inspiring to see the amount of effort going on in India. This reminded me again of the accessibility of speech markers when most of the available resources are dedicated for direct clinical care. This trip to India costed me the fabulous kick-off meeting at Zurich for the EU TRUSTING study led by Drs. Homan & Sommer. But we will hear more from both groups soon on this very blog space! We have also finalised a description of the two core committees of Discourse - the Executive and the Program committee. Please see the document linked here that is open for further input from members before being fully adapted. There is a call for constituting Research Work Groups. Currently we have identified a few broad themes. We anticipate these Work Groups to lead discussions in the coming years at DISCOURSE meetings. If you are interested in joining any, please send your name and interest to Sabrina Ford sford28@uwo.ca You will also see a blog (Chronicle) that will be a regular feature of our newsletters moving forward. Dr. Gina Kuperberg has kickstarted this with her thoughts on LLMs. We have a few more lined up and I welcome more contributors. Speak soon, Lena |
Discourse Committees and Work GroupsPlease see the attached document for the Discourse Master Governance Plan including a description of all the working groups and committees. |
Discourse ChroniclePlease see the attached PDF of Gina Kuperberg’s Blog post. |
Seminar Series 2023We're pleased to announce that the DISCOURSE Seminar Series is back for the rest of 2023! This year we will be highlighting work from the Schizophrenia Bulletin - Language in Psychosis special issue. For your convenience, we will keep seminar details up to date on this public google calendar, which you can subscribe to: https://tinyurl.com/3b568arx |
Here's our lineup for Fall 2023! Join all seminar dates via zoom: https://northwellhealth.zoom.us/j/6317863737 |
Additional Seminar |
New Projects
A TRUSTworthy speech-based AI monitorING system for the prediction of relapse in individuals with schizophrenia. PI: Iris Sommer The TRUSTING project aims to develop a trustworthy AI monitoring system using speech-based features to predict relapse in psychosis. Relapse-predicting speech features will be validated across several languages, participant subgroups and speech tasks. The results will be used to build a speech-based AI monitoring system in the form of a secure and trustworthy e-health application for clinical use. Following this, the efficacy of this clinical application will be tested in a large multicenter randomized clinical trial, covering 6 different languages. Furthermore, cost-effectiveness of the monitoring system will be assessed and a roadmap for protection and commercialization of the project’s results will be defined.
Natural Language Processing to Detect Mental State Effects of Repetitive Sub-Anesthetic IV Ketamine Infusions in Bipolar and Unipolar Depression: A Pilot Study (LaKe). Team: Farida Zaher (supervisor: Lena Palaniyappan) Hyperscanning in Psychosis: A Neurobehavioural Study. Team: Emmanuel Olarewaju (supervisor: Lena Palaniyappan) Data from the above 2 Montreal projects will be added to the Discourse databank. |
PublicationsPolygenic risk for schizophrenia and the language network: Putative compensatory reorganization in unaffected siblings. Chen, X. et. al. June 2023. Psychiatry Research, 326, 115319. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115319
Theory Driven Analysis of Natural Language Processing Measures of Thought Disorder using Generative Language Modeling. Fradkin I, et al. May 2023. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2023.05.005
Studying psychosis using Natural Language Generation: A review of emerging opportunities. Palaniyappan L, et al. April 2023. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsc.2023.04.009
Widening the temporal window: Coreference delays in psychotic Discourse. Palominos-Flores, C. et. al. March 2023. Schizophrenia Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbac102.
Brain structural network connectivity of formal thought disorder dimensions in affective and psychotic disorders. Stein F, et al. May 2023. Biological psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.05.010
Characterizing and detecting delirium with clinical and computational measures of speech and language disturbance. Tang SX, et al. July 2023. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience. 48(4):E255-64. https://doi.org/10.1503/jpn.230026
Linguistic markers of psychosis in Mandarin chinese: Relations to theory of mind. Zhang, H. et. al. July 2023. Psychiatry Research, 325, 115253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115253 |
Post-doc opportunity in Quebec, Canada. The postdoctoral fellow will be under the direct supervision of Dr. Amélie M. Achim (Université Laval) and will be co-supervised by Dr. Lena Palaniyappan (McGill University). The supervisors are building a program of research across the two sites, with the long term goal of building a speech bank for psychiatric research across Quebec. |
Post-doc opportunity in Barcelona, Spain. Looking for a leading postdoctoral researcher within the new EU grant HEu-CL1-TRUSTING-101080251 – “A TRUSTworthy speech-based AI monitorING system for the prediction of relapse in psychosis patients”, Horizon Europe (2021-2027), funded by the European Research Council. The project’s aim is to predict relapse in psychosis through an AI-based speech monitoring system. PI: Wolfram Hinzen |
Post-doc opportunity in Tromsø, Norway. The postdoctoral researcher position is affiliated with ‘TRUSTING’, an EU funded research project where an international interdisciplinary team will develop a machine learning based monitoring system that leverages spoken language processing (SLP) and natural language processing (NLP) of speech recorded at home to calculate relapse risk. Contact: Professor Lars Ailo Bongo & Professor Brita Elvevåg. |
Full-stack developer opportunity in Tromsø, Norway. The main aim for the senior engineer position is to develop the computational infrastructure for voice-based detection of relapse risk for patients with schizophrenia. The position is affiliated with ‘TRUSTING’, an EU funded research project where an international interdisciplinary team will develop a machine learning based monitoring system that leverages spoken language processing (SLP) and natural language processing (NLP) of speech recorded at home to calculate relapse risk. The UiT team will collaborate with the other research teams within the TRUSTING consortium. Contact: Professor Lars Ailo Bongo & Professor Brita Elvevåg |
Grants & AwardsCongratulations Dr. Sunny Tang for winning the Margaret Crotty Career Development Award from (AWSM) Advancing Women in Science and Medicine at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research! Congratulations PIs: I. Sommer, P. Homan, B. Elvevag, W. Hinzen for the €5 999 510.00 grant going towards the TRUSTING: HEu-CL1-TRUSTING-101080251 – “A TRUSTworthy speech-based AI monitorING system for the prediction of relapse in psychosis patients” Funded by the European Research Council. 2023-2028. Congratulations D. Cokal, Joseph Kambeitz, K. v. Heusinger, and K. Vogeley for winning the FORUM Excellence research award,€200.000. “Language in psychosis: Broaching a new frontier”, 2023-2025. Congratulations Dr. Arriola & team at Santander. The project titled PREVENCION Y DETECCION PRECOZ DE LOS TRASTORNOS DEL ESPECTRO DE LA ESQUIZOFRENIA A TRAVES DEL LENGUAJE (CNS2022-136110) has been funded €199,295. This interesting 2-year project involves a large addition to the DISCOURSE dataset. Congratulations Ms. Farida Zaher for securing McGill's HBHL graduate scholarship for the ketamine study - LaKe! Congratulations Dr. Frederike Stein for the DFG (German Research Foundation) grant of 336.537€. “Investigation of spontaneous speech - linguistic parameters in affective and psychotic disorders and their brain structural correlates”.
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Discourse ProtocolThis protocol is intended for producing speech samples to be compiled into a multilingual, benchmark dataset for the purpose of studying language in psychosis. We currently have English, Spanish, German, French, Croatian and Portuguese versions of the task administration protocol. We have now added protocol versions in Turkish and Hindi. Please email Dr. Maria Alonso for the latest versions. |
Please email sford28@uwo.ca for any updates on grants, publications and events you want to share with the Discourse in Psychosis community Stay in touch via Twitter (@discourseinpsy) or Slack (discourseinpsychosis.slack.com) |